Squat with caution: Tips for avoiding Florida's toilet invaders


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Jul 14, 2023

Squat with caution: Tips for avoiding Florida's toilet invaders

Illustration: Brendan Lynch/Axios Florida is known for many things: beautiful

Illustration: Brendan Lynch/Axios

Florida is known for many things: beautiful beaches, shady politicians and exotic wildlife both in and out of the home.

Why it matters: It's something of a ritual for Miamians to check for porcelain predators before using the restroom — especially at night when it's dark and you're half-asleep.

What they're saying: Ryan Goodman of Critter Control, tells Axios that iguanas aren't the only creatures known to get into people's plumbing: He's had to remove rats and snakes from toilets before.

How it works: Pests can crawl in through an opening in the plumbing stacks on your roof and then bypass the bathroom's P-trap, which can dry out when the toilet isn't being flushed enough.

Between the lines: Luckily for homeowners with septic tanks, pests typically only get into the plumbing of homes connected to the city sewer system, Goodman says.

Be smart: Make sure your home is sealed off, to limit where pests can enter.

Bottom line: Goodman says he feels confident in his home's defense against toilet invaders and doesn't worry, but his wife still checks.

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Why it matters: What they're saying: How it works: Between the lines: Be smart: Bottom line: